Tuesday, August 25, 2009

11.73 snottiest, stuck up letters in the alphabet.

One thing that really gets under my skin is when people act like they are so much better than you. The term for that is according to my 12 yr old daughter is uppity, my 15 year old son calls it being a stuck up. According to my wife it is called being snooty. I would call it being conceited. You get the idea. While I started to think maybe this happens in the world of English letters. So here is my list of the top 11.73 snottiest, stuck up conceited letters in the alphabet.

1. “A” of course because it is first like in the word Alpha.
2. “F” because it can spell the mother of all dirty words, just saying you F gets your point across.
3. “T” because it gets used so much in so many words.
4. “E” is used to help out other letters being that it is a vowel.
5. “M” spells words like Mob, Metal, Mission and Mean. So “M” tries to push the other letters around.
6. “S” thinks he is all that and a bag of chips. Like the word chip is just one, add an “S” now you have many chips.
7. “G” & “Y” when they are together because they end so many important terms such as Sociology, antilogy, antitechnology, apology, bacteriology, bilgy campanology, cardiology, immunohematology, immunology. You get the idea.
8. “Z” because it doesn’t lend itself to many words. Even when you see a commercial or printed add for the steak house know as sizzler, the Z’s are always bigger…jerk!
9. “W” is up there but at least “W” is able to hang with the with the normal letters.
10. “P” thinks it’s poop don’t stick because when you sing the alphabet song you kind of take a breath right there. You would really punch that letter as you continued singing the rest of the song. Are you singing it now?
11.73 “N” starts one of the wors….

Please don’t get me started on the inter workings of punctuations. There is that letter “S” again.


  1. This is even better than your old WF's - Ray. You have aged well, like good wine.

    Reposting tonight to spread the word about your awesome blog. My friend Jason, for instance will likely start following.

    BTW, you should hook this into your raylozano.com website to help promote your youth speaking business

  2. I knew your blog was going to be awesome! Soooo funny. I LOVE your sense of humor Mr. Ray. I often wish I could listen in to your brain for even an hour but I think I'd be frightened by all the crazy thoughts! But I think you're brilliant :-)
